Aflewo - Ametenda Mema & Awesome God Lyrics

Ametenda Mema & Awesome God Lyrics

Africa Lets Worship 2017
Ametenda Mema Huyu Yesu
Ndio Maana sisi tunakutuza
Ametenda Mema Maishani MWetu
Ndio Maana sisi tunakutuza
Ametenda Mema Huyu Yesu
Ndio Maana sisi tunakutuza
Ametenda mema eeh Bwana
Ndio Maana sisi tunakutuza

Tunatukuza jina Lako Yahweh
Eeh Baba Tunakutuza
Tunatukuza jina Lako Bwana
Eeh Baba Tunakutuza
Tunatukuza jina Lako Yesu
Eeh Baba Tunakutuza

Kwa Lesa Yote Kwa Lesa
Kwa Lesa Yote Kwa Lesa
Kwa Baba Yote Kwa Baba
Kwa Lesa Yote Kwa Lesa

Awesome God Mighty God
I Give you praise
Awesome God Mighty God
I Give you praise
You are higher lifted up
Awesome God
You are higher lifted up
Awesome God

Iyaa iya oh-ooh iya iya

We give praise
We give praise
I give you praise
You are Higher lifted up
Mighty God

Iyaa iya oh-ooh iya iya

Ametenda Mema & Awesome God Video

Ametenda Mema & Awesome God Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Ametenda Mema & Awesome God is a powerful worship song by Aflewo, an African gospel group known for their soul-stirring melodies and heartfelt lyrics. This song has resonated with audiences around the world, embracing the message of God's goodness and faithfulness.

1. The Meaning of Ametenda Mema & Awesome God:
The Swahili phrase "Ametenda Mema" translates to "He has done good," emphasizing God's acts of goodness in our lives. The song acknowledges the countless blessings and miracles that God has performed, prompting us to respond with gratitude and adoration. By contrast, "Awesome God" emphasizes God's greatness and power, reminding us of His supremacy and the awe-inspiring nature of His character. Together, these songs encourage believers to exalt God for His faithfulness and to lift His name high.

2. The Inspiration behind Ametenda Mema & Awesome God:
The uplifting melodies and heartfelt lyrics are designed to lead listeners into a place of worship, where they can personally encounter God's goodness and greatness. The song's universal message of praise and adoration transcends language barriers, allowing it to touch the hearts of people from all walks of life.

3. Biblical References:
The lyrics of Ametenda Mema & Awesome God are deeply rooted in biblical truths, drawing inspiration from various verses that highlight God's goodness, faithfulness, and power. Here are a few biblical references that relate to the message of the song:

a. Psalm 107:1 - "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." This verse underscores the theme of God's goodness and invites believers to express their gratitude.

b. Psalm 150:2 - "Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness." This verse encourages believers to praise God for His mighty acts and His incomparable greatness, as reflected in the lyrics of Awesome God.

c. Psalm 136:1 - "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." This verse echoes the sentiment of Ametenda Mema, emphasizing God's everlasting love and faithfulness.

d. Isaiah 40:28 - "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." This verse speaks to the awe-inspiring nature of God's character, which is highlighted in the lyrics of Awesome God.

4. The Impact and Reception of Ametenda Mema & Awesome God:
Since its release, Ametenda Mema & Awesome God has had a profound impact on listeners worldwide. The song has become a beloved worship anthem in churches, conferences, and gatherings, igniting a spirit of praise and adoration wherever it is sung. Its uplifting melody and meaningful lyrics have touched the hearts of many, inspiring individuals to reflect on God's goodness and respond with heartfelt worship.

5. Conclusion:
Ametenda Mema & Awesome God is a powerful worship song that celebrates God's goodness, faithfulness, and greatness. Through its heartfelt lyrics and uplifting melodies, the song encourages believers to acknowledge and praise God for His acts of goodness in their lives. By drawing from biblical references, the song provides a solid foundation for worship, reminding listeners of God's eternal love and His awe-inspiring nature. As we engage with Ametenda Mema & Awesome God, let us be reminded of the power of praise and the transformative impact it can have on our lives. Ametenda Mema & Awesome God Lyrics -  Aflewo

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